Entries by Team

New HR Toolkit provides the building blocks for an effective farm safety program

Today’s farmer realizes the importance of formalized safety programs when it comes to keeping their employees safe and their operations running smoothly. But the challenge with standardized safety programs for farms is the unique nature of every operation. That’s why the Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC) put together an Agri HR Toolkit specifically for […]

Bill 17: Farm workers’ right to unionize bad for both farms and employees

The provincial government’s move to grant farm workers the right to form a union, known as Bill 17, raises concerns about the legislation’s impact on farms and ranches. While the Alberta Agriculture Farm and Ranch Safety Coalition (AgCoalition) and Alberta’s agriculture industry understand the importance and value of many of these changes in the law, […]

6 straight facts about Bill 17, unions and farms

The provincial government is proposing changes to Alberta’s labour legislation that could have significant implications for employers and employees. Among the proposed changes are some that relate to the right to form a union. Discussions about unionization can elicit emotional responses – both from those opposed and those in favour. That can make it hard […]

How technology helped reduce the impact of a bovine tuberculosis outbreak

A disease outbreak is one of the most tragic things that can happen in any industry that relies on crops or livestock. In September 2016, the Canadian beef industry was faced with an outbreak of Bovine Tuberculosis (TB) – a disease that had the potential to devastate our cattle producers’ operations. Fortunately, in this case, […]

Emissions research part 2: helping cattle feeders reduce their impact on the environment, and on their neighbours

Last week on this blog we talked about a research project that is helping us understand the greenhouse gas emissions from feedlots. We explained why the project was needed and what it studied. This week we continue our conversation with Dr. Sean McGinn of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to find out how the study will […]