Entries by Team

How safe is farm equipment?

Statistics show us that agriculture is one of the most hazardous industries in Canada. But statistics don’t always tell the whole story. As we learned in ‘How the agriculture sector is pulling together to promote farm safety’, it’s hard to compare farming to other industries, because so many people live where they work. Without data […]

How people in 58 countries enjoy Canadian beef

In an earlier post on this blog we explored the contribution Alberta’s beef industry makes to our province’s economy. We explained that exports make up an important part of that contribution, because we produce more beef than Canadians eat. To learn more about beef exports, and where they go, we spoke with Rob Meijer, former […]

6 reasons why Alberta is beef-industry central

Canada is blessed with an abundance of rich, fertile agricultural land – and Alberta is famous for its beef. So why, in our land of plenty, is Alberta the undisputed centre of this industry that feeds our people and our economy? Here are six reasons: 1. History As early as the 1860s, the Canadian government […]