Entries by Team

Alberta sunshine provides an environmentally friendly energy source to cattle feeders

Alberta’s cattle feeders work hard to reduce their environmental footprint, and many are turning to solar energy for help. KCL Cattle Company is one feedlot that’s taking advantage of Alberta government subsidies to install solar panels. Check out this short video in which Les Wall is interviewed about their decision to use solar energy: Other […]

Is grass-fed beef better?

Image Credit: KCL Cattle Company Ltd. Eating well is no simple matter. Our global marketplace offers a world of choices, and the information available on those food choices can be contradictory and complicated. In today’s blog post we explain the difference between grass-fed and grain-finished beef and explore their nutritional values and environmental impacts. Grass-fed […]

How regulatory changes could help trade with the U.S.

This week, we’re exploring recent changes to federal regulations that will help ease the trade in live cattle between Canada and the United States. It’s a follow-up to an earlier post in which we explained why trade with the U.S. is so important to Canada’s beef producers. The governments of both Canada and the U.S. […]

How 5 freedoms help ensure excellence in animal care

A lot of progress has been made since Alberta’s livestock producers banded together 25 years ago to promote excellence in animal care. Commodity organizations, including the Alberta Cattle Feeders’ Association, founded Alberta Farm Animal Care (AFAC) in 1993 to ensure that all producers have access to the resources and information they need to provide a […]

5 priorities for cattle feeders in 2019 

Canada’s cattle feeders are urging politicians to consider the needs of beef producers in their platforms for the 2019 federal election.  Agriculture and Agri-Food is a $100-billion industry that employs more than two million Canadians. The government has identified the sector as one of a few with the potential to spur economic growth. Canada is […]

How funding for the New Era Beef Industry will benefit all beef producers

This fall, Alberta’s beef producers will vote in a province-wide plebiscite on the industry’s checkoff program. The issue at hand is whether the refundable payment should become non-refundable. Why the checkoff is currently refundable The beef industry checkoff has been around since 1969 as a levy paid to the Alberta Cattle Commission (later to become […]

How protectionist policies for dairy and poultry could harm Canada’s beef producers 

As NAFTA negotiations continue, Canada’s 60,000 beef producers are anxious to see a continuation of free and open trade within North America. Mexico and the U.S. currently import 80 per cent of our beef, and any impediment to that trade would severely impact the industry. Ironically, North American trade for our beef is in jeopardy […]

4 reasons the National Beef Strategy is important to Canada

These are interesting times in the beef industry. Our producers face numerous challenges such as declining cattle numbers across the world and consumer concerns about environmental impacts and animal welfare. At the same time, new markets, including those in Asia and the Pacific region, are providing opportunities for industry expansion. To ensure Canada’s beef producers […]